About Yogakshema


Kapil Dev

Kapil Dev

I was so pleasantly surprised to see the Iyengar ashram when I reached there...

"I had been suffering from a few minor ailments which were causing me a bit of discomfort. As a rule,I am not a person who takes medicines very easily. In fact I have a great aversion to popping pills. It was then that my wife suggested that I meet Nivedita Joshi, as she was going to her for her slipped discs and had felt a remarkable improvement.

I was so pleasantly surprised to see the Iyengar ashram when I reached there. It was beautiful to say the least and the calm vibrations greet you as soon as you put a foot into the place. The staff goes out of their way to help and accommodate new patients and I was guided at every step of my exercise routine. Nivedita herself is a motivated, energetic person who puts her heart and soul into her work. She is a no nonsense person and a hard task master, which is why she produces results. Nivedita surely knows her work and knows what technique to use for which ailment. The force and passion with which she conducts her classes should be a lesson for us all.

I wish Nivedita all the best for the future and sincerely hope that she carries on with her work with as much zeal and zest as she has in the past. If there were more like her there would definitely be less ailments in our world today."

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Guru Jayarama Rao


Kuchipudi Dance Academy

Life is made vibrant in Yogakshema...

"Albeit for a short time, I do not regret even one moment of the time I had spent under the guidance of Niveditaji. It was a brilliantly unique propaganda and I wish life was always easy on us and would let us enjoy such experiences often; but professionally being busy it was hard to keep time.

Having been brought up in a strict Gurukul parampara from my childhood, it was the epitome of nostalgia to have entered the same sphere from the moment i entered this wonderful niche of excellence created by Niveditaji. It is rare to find such an institution of late where the subject may be one, but what one gains from it - numerous. Team building as well as creative stimulus, not to mention helping one another were a few traits that no one could miss out on.

Discipline, commitment, passion and vigor. I am not unfamiliar with these terms, but to reestablish them, it did take a while. These attributes go hand in hand without saying in any art form. And I was glad that I revitalized my self with such attributes, with all the teachings of Iyengar yoga.

What made it worth a while also was to see the passion flow from the Guru to the student. One could see that Nivedita ji was strongly inspired by her Guru, Guru B.K.S. Iyengar, and that passion came in a flux down to us, in her inspirational teaching. 

In Yogakshema, background and occupational history, status, career success and attributes purely material in this temporal world of our's is not paid heed to. Every one comes together as an equal, learns to be an empty canvas and paints upon it incessantly. Life is made vibrant in Yogakshema. One can only learn and gain from the experience."

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raj gupta

Raj Gupta

Practicing every day, fully surrendering to the instructions by Nivedita Joshi as it is Guruji’s work which should be followed completely...

"I was a person who never took yoga seriously as I was in outdoor sports majorly badminton. It was my passion to play as it made me feel rejuvenated.

But look at the irony 4 years back in 2016 while playing it only , i got disc bulge issue in my L4 & L5 after that physiotherapy sessions were like routine for me which were of no great help to me due to which i had to leave my badminton completely. After that i tried gyming, as suggested by doctors to me to workout without weights and focus on my cardio which didn't help me and the pain was still there. After that i came to know about IYENGAR YOGA YOGAKSHEMA.

IYENGAR YOGA at YOGAKSHEMA with Nivedita mam was a real eye opener for me . She made me understand yoga with all the intricate details ,explanation of very minute things too which made yoga a science to me and trust me it is when you deep dive into it you will get to know.

The most important and essential part of this yoga was to surrender yourself in front of mam like a kid and follow her instructions to the point. The day i did it after that my life changed and my body responded well. This modern world has made us impatient, we want every thing instantly within no time, if there is any problem in body take a pill and get going we don' look at the side effects of it. Yoga requires patience and regular practice. After taking the MEDICAL CLASS with maam for 7 days and practicing it religiously for almost 1 year today i feel my back is normal and stronger then ever before . All THANKS to mam and guru ji who made it possible. 

I never thought that yoga could be a path to enlightenment of mind ,body and soul and more over how to make yourself disciplined in your life. YOGAKSHEMA was where i got to see what real guru looks like who made me aware of how rich is our Indian culture in each field which in today's era we don't value so much. At last i cant thank enough to mam i am short of words

Thank you mam for making me understand the magical power of IYENGAR YOGA at YOGAKSHEMA

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Divya Chaturvedi

A teacher passionately working for the betterment of students at a physical, emotional and spiritual level...

"In November 2003, I had a sudden bout of major blurring of vision. I went to the doctor for a prescription for eye glasses and came back with a diagnosis of an auto immune disease. From there on, for the once invincible and incredible me, things went downhill. In spite of the constant medication, multiple eye surgeries, an increasingly low level of self-esteem and confidence, I knew I had to try to stay 'fit'. I took to running long distances and soon my knees gave up on me. I went to the gym for 4 years but I still couldn't sleep at night for weeks on end. I could cry on the drop of a hat, so perpetually unhappy was I.

I joined Iyengar Yoga Centre Yogakshema 4 years ago with the request that I receive help to regain my peaceful sleep. I got not only that, but much more. I had deteriorating vision in one eye, my personal life was in turmoil but thanks to Mrs Nivedita Joshi of Iyengar Yogakshema, at a time when I could have almost given up on life, I managed to hold myself together and even received a promotion at work. I was a 'challenging' case for most doctors but in the midst of it all were my yoga practice, my parents’ blessings and the unwavering faith of my teacher, Mrs. Nivedita Joshi, who was so confident that one way or the other everything would work out with my health, that her confidence inspired me. She knew my limitations better than me and no matter what the doctors or anyone said (and still say), I know that she knows what is appropriate for me. Only a very well read and experienced teacher can instil such confidence.

When I wake up in the morning and remember the physical pains that I had and which I do not have any more, I thank Mrs. Joshi; in times of pain when I know what I need to do to get rid of the pain, I feel grateful for all that I have been taught; when I accept myself with all my limitations and yet pose a confident exterior to the world, I remember everything that Madam has said for this to happen; on days that I'm feeling low, when I sit back to assess the root cause of the problem, I am grateful for the clarity of thought I now have because of all that I have learnt at Iyengar Yogakshema; throughout my ups and downs, I remember my teacher and of course, when I have a sound sleep at night, I remember my teacher, my guru, Mrs. Nivedita Joshi, and thank God for this elixir in life.

After 6 long years of taking immunosuppressive medication, I am now being allowed to go off it, and I think yoga had a major role to play in it." 

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Neha Gupta

Neha Gupta

My Yoga Experience...

"The incredible power of Iyengar Yoga has the capability to do wonders and give a new lease of life to those who seek its aegis. Neha Gupta also got the second life through Iyengar Yoga at Yogakshema" See Video

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Kuhu Joshi

It influences my everyday life in a positive way

"I have been practicing at Iyengar Yogakshema for 5 years. I was diagnosed with Scoliosis when I was 12. Instead of growing straight, my spine was deviating due to unknown causes. I had a right thoracic curve and my whole body was badly misaligned. I was young and scared; suddenly disoriented and emotionally shaken. With divine grace, Yoga came into my life and with hard work, I gained strength in my body and poise in my mind. Bit by bit, I built myself up, rose from the pits of self doubt and stood tall on the strong roots of Yoga- A beautiful tree, springing out from supporting roots, branching in all directions, laden with fresh leaves of thought, reaching out to the sky and talking to the stars; The trunk, slightly deviated to the right and twisted, an essential element of the tree’s beauty that makes it different from the other straight trees. Yoga has now become the most important part of my life and I am learning to understand my body’s structure more and more. Apart from the physical relief and alignment, I am slowly developing sensitivity in different parts of the spine. Nivedita Maam has taught me how to lengthen, strengthen, align, de rotate and stabilize the spine, how to move and align the body in every pose, to physically ingrain little details like evenly distributing the body weight, extending the convex side of the spine more, digging in the ribs where there is a hump, to be able feel different parts of the body in different asanas and to use props to achieve the correct actions in the pose. My condition is now extremely improved. I have no pain and I do not look Scoliotic. My posture has corrected, my body has become aligned and my spinal curvature has greatly decreased. I am deeply grateful to Guruji BKS Iyengar for the yoga that has taught me to work hard and work for myself. It influences my everyday life in a positive way; it has taught me to stand on my feet (and hands as well!) and has given me the confidence that if I can conquer my body, there is nothing I can not do."

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Jasmine Chaddha

The road to recovery...

"It all began sometime in August 2008. I was sitting in the bed watching TV and getting ready to go off to sleep after a hectic day. Suddenly I felt a shooting pain in my lower back; the pain was so severe that I could barely utter a word.

Thereafter, I was horizontal on bed for almost three weeks. I then tried to slowly start walking. But the intensity of pain often let me immobile. I was on strong painkillers recommended by the orthopaedic doctor. I felt extremely helpless. I could not perform any of my daily activities; let alone going out or socializing. I used to cry for hours. I did not leave any treatment untouched; tried physiotherapy, hydrotherapy, acupuncture, acupressure, ayurvedic massages. With no relief coming my way, I started slipping into depression. It was as if life had ended for me – until I reached to Iyengar Yoga centre and met Nivideta Joshi ma’am.

Ma’am gave me hope, a hope to live, a hope of joy, a hope to carry on my life like anyone else. She admitted me in her medical batch. I was given a lot of help by her assistant teachers at the centre to negotiate different yogic postures. Under Ma’am’s guidance, I was given a sequence to follow which I did religiously . What helped me get through this trying phase of life is Ma’am’s constant support and presence. After completing the medical course I was promoted to the regular classes where I joined the beginner’s batch. Although I did not feel confident enough to join the normal classes, Ma’am ability to judge the body and mind proved superior.

From the beginner’s batch, I was promoted to the intermediate batch and stayed in this batch for a year. Recently, ma’am promoted me to the senior batch. Senior batch! How could I cope with the intense practise and learning in the senior class? But ma’am knew the body was ready for next level of challenges. Today, after two and a half years of yogic journey, I not only carry out my normal chores, but I also work, take care of my two children and my larger family. I truly, from the core of my heart thank Guruji, Nivideta ma’am, and The Almighty for helping me out in this journey of life."

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Mythili Bector

Within three months I could sense an improvement...

“Diagnosed with Hereditary Neuro Pressure Palsy (HNPP), the world around me just crashed and crumbled. HNPP is a debilitating disease where the myelin sheath, the protective substance that covers nerve cells, gets eroded. As a result, not just the motor nerves but the sensory nerves and the autonomic nervous system get severely affected. That is to say that the body’s electrical wiring simply breaks down.

This ailment manifests symptomatically in many ways: there are recurrent episodes of numbing, tingling and loss of muscle function get chronic. Medical science has little to offer. I was advised to take steroids since there was no cure. I was further warned that the symptoms would simply go from bad to worse as age progressed.

Age? What Age! I was barely in my 30s. And here I was already unable to hold and grip even a pen , let alone stand, teach or for that matter use the blackboard. I could not use a knife in the kitchen or fasten buttons, or for that matter, use the spoon to eat a morsel of food or stay balanced my feet…….. The list was endless. If day time wasn’t terrible enough, nights were traumatic as I could not lie down without the arms and legs going numb and intense pain searing through them. Year after year, I braved the illness .The physical deformities were evident but none could gauge the psychological impact. My confidence was shattered and I was looking for succor. That is when my colleague suggested that I take up Iyengar yoga With hope in my heart, I approached Ms. Nivedita Joshi who took me under her tutelage. There has been no looking back since then. Within three months I could sense an improvement. No longer were the mornings an ordeal overpowered by fatigue and pain. Nivedita Ma’am put me on a ‘rejuvenating yoga sequence’ that soon infused energy into me. Slowly but steadily I regained strength. Six years into the programme, I have nearly forgotten the pain. Instances of tripping and falling, extreme fatigue, incessant pain in the limbs, migraines are a thing of the past. I am able to go about the daily chores with ease. I continue to use several props in my asana practice but the remarkable thing is that I now have gathered the courage to let go of them.

I quote Guruji, “Change leads to disappointment if it is not sustained. Transformation is sustained change, and it is achieved through practice.” Under the able guidance of my guru, Nivedita Joshi, I am working towards this transformation. The essential element in the magnetic personality of my guru, Nivedita Joshi ji is her all consuming passion for knowledge and it is with this overpowering conviction that she has drawn us all into her fold in her relentless pursuit of perfection. I bow to the Almighty for having shown me and many others like me the light of Iyengar Yoga."

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Neha Grewal

Yoga has amazed me...

"It all began with an ordinary chest x-ray eight years ago, when I came to know of my medical condition- Scoliosis. In utter daze, my anxiety stricken parents ushered me around from one doctor to the other. After many more tests, consultations with doctors, and education on Internet websites, we came to understand it as “a musculoskeletal disorder due to which the spine curves in abnormal ways”.

As a teenager, it was difficult to accept this definition as a part of my existence. Scoliosis manifested on my physical body as a hump on my back, a slight protrusion of one rib and uneven shoulders - a definite embarrassment at that age. Over time, this embarrassment led to low self-esteem, fuelled by constant feeling that something was wrong with my body. It was more than just about the cosmetic appearance: I would suffer from stiffness and gnawing pain after working or sitting in one position even for a limited period of time. The medical condition stood in the way of my ambition to become an artist, for an artist’s job is too strenuous for someone with my back condition. So, what then? Surgery? Bracing? Or just waiting and hoping that it didn’t get worse?

With a lot of ambiguity surrounding Scoliosis in the medical world, my father continued his search for an enduring solution. In the course of his research, he came across the philosophy of Iyengar yoga two years ago. At that time, it seemed unbelievable. Even so, the human desire to seek a cure when in pain is a very powerful one. And so, we pinned our hopes on Nivedita Ma’am’s institute. The truth, the solution, the answer all remains in the yoga practice; yet, the day it all started, a sense of relief and calm finally enveloped us.

The initial part of the journey was perhaps less difficult for me, and perhaps more of a challenge for Nivedita Ma’am and the teachers at ‘Yogakshema’ Centre. The intensity of work done on me was monumental. When I positioned myself for the various asanas, I was constantly guided, with each breath, towards gaining the sensitivity of feeling and visualizing my body from the inside, a key aspect of the healing process. For me, this is what makes Iyengar yoga enduring. Over time, I could finally gain control of my body, a refreshing feeling, since much of my teenage life was spent in experiences that let me to foster gloom and uncertainty in my mind.

All this would not have been possible without use of props, a unique feature of Iyengar yoga. The props allow anyone, in any situation to be able to experience the benefits of an asana in the event that the body does not allow for a particular movement. Once the body benefits from the asanas and recovers the movement, the props make an exit. This makes Iyengar yoga all the more accessible and approachable, offering a ‘soft landing’ for those with ailments. I have been fortunate to experience this shift. Recently, I graduated from the medical class to the regular class.

Even with all its beautiful elements, Iyengar Yoga is in no way easy. Crossing the hump is not easy; especially since it develops a sense that is dormant in the modern man – the sense of connecting mind and body in a cyclical smooth flow. After months of frustration, today I can see myself doing yoga for the rest of my life.

Yoga has amazed me for today I can attend the regular class and go at the same pace as everyone else, do the asana’s that I had once needed support for without support, be in control of my body, and utilize my mind for my body. Best of all, there is so much to learn that the excitement would continue alongside the practice."

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